Ecuhelp KT200 TCU/ ECU programmer supports Cars,Trucks,TRACTORS, EXCAVATORS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINES,MOTORBIKES. It is a complete tool for reading and programming engine control units via OBD and via the Boot mode and Jtag systems. Full system and Bench mode also available. KT200 is an unique solution for the mechanics. TCU package for automatic transmissions available.
KT200 can read/write ecu /tcu only, it means that it can write your tuned files, you need to source your files from a tuner, or do yourself with tuning software like winols.
on February 7, 2023
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Q:Question:I have problems with kt200 on windows 7. Software won't start. Turn off antivirus, windows defender etc... but it's not ok. I installed it on another pc with windows10 and it works great. Answer this question
Hello, The possible reason is win7 configuration is not best enough and also there isn't enough memory. having a problem when the message appers(wait internet connection)the the application closes...My internet connection is very good..Could it be the window 11 that im using?Im out of ideas now Answer this question
Hello, Change to another computer (I5, 6 generation, above 8G), reinstall the software and driver.
Hello, Completely remove old versions, disable any anti virus/realtime when downloading and installing (run as Admin).
on December 27, 2022
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Q:Question:Ford 5.0 ID fine won't read file via OBD. voltage too low? Answer this question
you ecu is a M799G, BUT your H/W ID shown is not ?? ID will work on most ECUS its just an obd request.
on December 27, 2022
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Q:Question:The license function cannot be turned on, can you help me? Answer this question
Hello, please open the update from the software and then click reset driver, then unplug the device USB port and reconnect it, then Click reset driver again to open the software normally.
on December 16, 2022
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Q:Question:Bonjour problème de lecture sur infineon c167 Dés idée ? Merci Answer this question
Force boot mode as per note in Instructions, and use 13V as ME2.8.x has large power capacitors
on December 12, 2022
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Q:Question:Hello, can the KT200 have to see us on Kia Hyundai Bot? Answer this question
KT200 ECU Programmer covering up to 5400 ECU, over 500 TCU. Not only engine control units, but also units on cars, motorcycles, tractors, trucks and boats. To see all the vehicles supported by the ECUHELP KT200 ECU Programmer, you can easily consult our vehicle list.
on November 18, 2022
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Q:Question:I can't find this ECU Motronic BOSCH ME17.9.20 the kt200 the law ??? Answer this question
Solution: there are 2 posiible pinouts for renualt/smart included in your documentation, bench job with → BENCH TRICORE → RENAULT → TC1782 - RENAULT → ME17.9.20